InSIS is available via My College mobile app
Dear students,
We would like to inform you about the possibility of entering InSIS (Integrated Study Information System) also via the mobile application My College. The application is available in English, Czech and Slovak from November 2020 on Google Play or the App Store for active students of the Prague University of of Economics and Business.
Access to the application takes place on the basis of the same authorization as when logging in to the InSIS, and it is possible to use it on any number of devices running the Android or iOS operating system. At the same time, biometrics can be used for secure access.
The My College mobile app allows you to:
- manage your studies
- view current courses with details
- register for exams
- display academic schedules
- take a look at financing or scholarships
- discover whom you will be sharing your classes with
- print study documents as well as many more functions
Details about the application, download instructions and other useful information are available on the website