Diploma Thesis

Always check the schedule in order to keep the right deadline.

Please note that the diploma thesis is now submitted online via InSIS only. 

The topic registration and the defence of the Master’s thesis

The registration of the Master’s thesis in InSIS is done by the supervisor (member of the Faculty of Business Administration) in cooperation with the student and at least six months before the planned defence. Its aims, contribution and structure must be registered in InSIS together along with selected sources used for the Master’s thesis (see bellow the pattern). Consulting the supervisor during the realization is a mandatory part of the process. An opponent should be proposed before submitting the Master’s thesis, again in the cooperation with the supervisor and the student. The opponent must be a specialist in the field of the thesis with a respective university degree. It cannot be a relative or a close associate.

After the completion of the Master’s thesis (in cooperation with the thesis supervisor) the student submits the thesis at first electronically into the database of qualification theses (only in .pdf format) in InSIS. The proper electronic submission has to be confirmed by the following notification: “Correct submission of the thesis confirmed – The electronic version of the thesis was submitted and the correct submission was confirmed. Hereby, the submission process is ended. The thesis cannot be modified anymore.”

The physical submission consists of one printed version (hardcover). It is necessary to submit the thesis together with a printed confirmation of a correct submission of the thesis into InSIS. The thesis defense can be separated from the final examination. The student can set the final examination without being obliged to defend his/her thesis. Immediately after the defence, the printed thesis is returned back to the student.

How to start writing a thesis

  • Stage I: Specify a range (area /field) of your interests.
  • Stage II: Browse and then look into accessible subject literature.
  • Stage III: Establish a precise purpose of your work.
  • Stage IV: Define the topic of your work.
  • Stage V: Plan the structure of your work.
  • Stage VI: Prepare the theoretical part of your discourse.
  • Stage VII: Carry out an empirical study.
  • Stage VIII: Conclude your study with a synthetic report and alternative recommendations for changes, modifications etc.
  • Stage IX: Describe a solution to a problem.
  • Stage X: Specify a conclusion.

Recommended structure of a thesis

The thesis is printed in A4 format. Recommended line spacing 1.15, using a proportional serif font size 12 pt. Font paragraph and chapter names are proportionally larger. Pages are numbered consecutively except the front page. The tables and figures are numbered and labelled. In the text, they are referenced (see Figure 3.3, as is evident from Table 7.1). Below the figure or the table, the source must not be missing (if the creator of a table or of a figure is the author, indicate “Source: author“). Tables and figures should always apply directly to the text. Otherwise (or if a table is too large, images etc.) they are placed in the annex. The total length of the thesis is usually 60-80 pages (108 000 – 144 000 characters with spaces) excluding annexes, to a maximum of 100-120 pages including annexes. Duplexing saves forests.

Table of Contents (up to level 3, going into higher levels leads mostly to reader´s confusion)


  • The relevance of the topic and the necessity for a solution;
  • The practical and theoretical value of the topic;
  • Motives for choosing a particular topic;
  • Research problem and research approach towards the problem;
  • An explanation of the work structure;
  • Clearly stated the objectives of the thesis;
  • How far you hope to advance knowledge in the field;
  • Work limitations and difficulties.

Theoretical (methodological) part

  • Your research problem and research design towards the problem;
  • The most relevant previous findings in this area;
  • References to key literature or other sources;
  • Theories, concepts and modules, which explain the analyzed problem;
  • How will research methods be combined (i.e. qualitative and quantitative them);
  • For case study research, explain your rationale criteria for choices of cases and for sampling;
  • Alternative methodology and techniques.

Practical or Creative Part

  • Your solution to the problem – calculations, analyses, discussions; your own input must be clear and sufficient!
  • Empirical/Analytical studies;
  • A clear connection between theoretical and practical part;
  • Conclusive/designing part – solving a particular practical problem.


  • Reveal your authorship input and present the key research results;
  • An application/conclusion of empirical studies;
  • A prescription and recommendation from the author.


All of the used, mentioned or cited literature and other information sources must be referenced. Citation forms shall be governed by internationally accepted standards for citing APA. List bibliographic records, arranged alphabetically at the end of the publication, are essentially not numbered, for a better perception of records bullets can be takenFor reference examples of APA style see https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples.

Principles of working with literature:

  • Consistently cite all sources used.
  • Use only the expert and trusted sources where the author is obvious.
  • Do not rely only on Wikipedia, Google, Yahoo and others as the main source (utilize the access to e-resources).
  • Use textbooks as basic literature only, for further work apply to current professional resources.


Large tables, various calculations, samples of surveys used, large explanations and other supporting material analyzed in the text should be placed as an appendix. Each appendix has to have a title and a number (e.g. Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc.). Every appendix has to be pointed to from the text.

Further relating information to Master’s Thesis, submission, defense and templates

The thesis is evaluated by the supervisor and by the opponent. The opponent must be the university-educated expert in the field, and must not be a related party. Due to the prevention of plagiarism, the thesis when submitted is checked by anti-plagiarism software Ephorus. This check is done by the supervisor.

The registration for the defence of the thesis has to be carried out via InSIS. Prepare a ppt(x) or pdf presentation lasting up to 10-15 minutes where you emphasize the goals, research methods and your most important findings. In the course of the defence, it is important to clarify your own contributions. Do not forget to prepare the answers to questions from both evaluations. Be ready to react to additional questions.