Online summer school: The Blue Ocean Strategy in the Context of Digital Disruption
The online summer school The Blue Ocean Strategy in the Context of Digital Disruption will take place from July 26 to August 2, 2021 (Monday to Friday + Monday). It is provided by lecturers and professionals from the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA).
The aim of this summer school is to help its participants gather deep insight on competing on an existing market (red ocean), its growth options, and traps. For most of the firms, however, it is challenging to find ways to grow in the red ocean, and most of the firms focus on competitors’ actions as their reference point which does not necessarily help them. However, few firms choose to create a blue ocean (uncontested market space) and avoid any competition. Understanding digitalization could further reconfigure and enhance the business models.
The course is accredited by the university and students will receive 4 ECTS credits and a Certificate of Attendance upon completion of the course.
The application and payment deadline is on July 19, 2021.
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