
Reminder: MIMG Welcome Session, Introductory Lecture, Reception /Sep 12, 2022/

Just a friendly reminder to all first-year/newcomer students signed up for our welcome session that we are meeting on Sep 12, 4 PM sharp by the statue on Winston Churchill Square to kick off with our team game. The session is highly recommended for all. And there is more to follow… • PROGRAMME • Introductory […]

Reminder: MIMG Welcome Session, Introductory Lecture, Reception /Sep 12, 2022/

New Double-Degree Possibility for MIMG Students with the ZHAW, School of Management and Law, Switzerland

We are extremely stoked to announce a new addition to our Double Degree Programme family! This time, between the FBA at the University of Economics, Prague, and one of the top business schools in Switzerland, the ZHAW. Starting from the Academic Year 2022/2023, the qualified MIMG candidates will now be able to spend their second […]

New Double-Degree Possibility for MIMG Students with the ZHAW, School of Management and Law, Switzerland

MIMG Graduates 2022 Received Their Diplomas

On Tuesday, June 28, 2022, the joint graduation ceremony of MIMG and CEMS programmes took place at the Prague University of Economics and Business. In total 25 graduates (11 MIMG, 14 CEMS) participated in the ceremony where they took the students’ oath and received their diplomas. We would like to one more time congratulate all […]

MIMG Graduates 2022 Received Their Diplomas

UPDATE: Change of Venue. Join MIMG Students & Alumni Get-together /June 29, 6 pm/

Update: Due to rainy weather the venue of today’s get-together has been changed to the restaurant U Bohouše, Polská 34/1261, Praha 2 – 12000. The time of the event remains, ie. 6 pm. Dear MIMG students & alumni, you are all cordially invited to join us for an informal get-together that will take place on […]

UPDATE: Change of Venue. Join MIMG Students & Alumni Get-together /June 29, 6 pm/

Course Pre-registration for Academic Year 2022/23 Starts on Monday, June 13

Course pre-registration for Fall Semester 2022 will take place June 13 – August 30, 2022 (see the individual deadlines below). During this time, students have to register for all the classes they want to study. You need to register for all courses at the Prague University of Economics and Business through the university information system InSIS. The pre-registration serves to collect the […]

Course Pre-registration for Academic Year 2022/23 Starts on Monday, June 13

Summer School: The Blue Ocean Strategy in the Context of Digital Disruption /July 26 – August 1/

The Blue Ocean Strategy in the Context of Digital Disruption summer school aims at understanding customers and suggesting innovation of the business model targeting current and new potential customers using Blue Ocean Strategy methodology and tools in the context of already available or future prospective disruptive technologies. When: from July 26 to August 1, 2022(Tuesday […]

Summer School: The Blue Ocean Strategy in the Context of Digital Disruption /July 26 – August 1/

Joint Graduation Ceremony of MIMG and CEMS Students /June 28, 2022/

The joint Graduation Ceremony of MIMG and CEMS students at VŠE will take place on Tuesday, June 28 from 1 pm in the Vencovského auditorium. Guests can enter the Aula half an hour before the planned ceremony. There is open seating and no limits in the number of guests. Children under 3 years are not allowed. Formal attire is […]

Joint Graduation Ceremony of MIMG and CEMS Students /June 28, 2022/

Diploma Thesis Submission Deadline /May 11, 2022/

Dear MIMG students, be aware of the diploma thesis submission deadline which is on May 11, 2022, at 23:59 CEST.

Diploma Thesis Submission Deadline /May 11, 2022/

ESN Sports Day /May 8, 2022/

If you would like to show off your sports skills but would also like to spend some time with fellow international students, then save the date!!! ESN (Erasmus Student Network) VSE Prague has prepared an extraordinary day filled with several outdoor sports activities, great food, drinks, and music just for you. You will be able […]

ESN Sports Day /May 8, 2022/