
Top-5 College Admission Mistakes

Applying to college is a stressful time for any student, so don’t risk sabotaging your hard work by making avoidable mistakes during the process. 1. Waiting until the last minute – bad idea! Waiting until the last minute to complete your college applications is never a good idea, and procrastinating just increases the likelihood of […]

Top-5 College Admission Mistakes

Breakfast with the Academic Director

We would like to invite you to an informal meeting (breakfast) with the Academic Director. The goal of the meeting is to provide you with an opportunity to ask us questions that are somehow important for you, tell us what you like or what you don’t like, tell us what you think we should know […]

Breakfast with the Academic Director

Open House Day of International Degree Programmes

We would like to cordially invite you to the Open House Day of International Degree Programmes that will be held at the University of Economics, Prague on Wednesday, March 13th, 2019.  The session for prospective masters will start at 6 pm in room no. 211 in Rajská Building. Attendees will learn more about VSE and its students, see the campus and get […]

Open House Day of International Degree Programmes

Office hours February 11-15, 2019

During the week from February 11 to 15, the office hours of a Programme Coordinator are cancelled. In case of need please contact the Programme Coordinator via email. Thank you for your understanding.

Office hours February 11-15, 2019

Exchange Programme Applications for 2019/20

Applications for a stay abroad during master level are opening soon! For both semesters of the next academic year, Fall 2019 and Spring 2020, you may submit your application from February 11 to 18, 2019. For more information visit the website of the International Office.  

Exchange Programme Applications for 2019/20

Opening hours of VŠE during holidays

Please note that during Christmas holidays opening hours of the VŠE buildings are restricted. For more information see the university’s website.

Opening hours of VŠE during holidays

Dates of State Exams in Minor Specializations

The State exams in Minor specializations will take place as follows: State exam in Minor specialization 3ME 29.1. 13:30 (registration from 15.12.2018) State exam in Minor specialization 3CE 22.1. 9-17:00 (registration from 1.1.2019)

Dates of State Exams in Minor Specializations

E-application open from December 3, 2018

Starting today, you may submit your e-application for the Master in Management programme. You can find all the requirements necessary for completing your application down below or here. If you need help with submiting your e-application, see the guide here.  

E-application open from December 3, 2018

Contest: Design your own bottle

Are you on friendly terms with graphic programs or do you just like to create your own and unique designs of items you use on daily basis? Then we have an offer for you. Design new logo of the MIMG programme or complete graphic design that we will use for our new promotional drinking bottles. […]

Contest: Design your own bottle

International & Study Abroad Fair 2018

International & Study Abroad Fair is an event organized by the International Office of the University of Economics, Prague. Are you interested in an Exchange programme and looking for information about our partner universities? Then come to the fair and find out what your possibilities are. The event will be held on Tuesday, November 13th, 2018 in […]

International & Study Abroad Fair 2018