Reminder: MIMG Welcome Session, Introductory Lecture, Reception /Sep 12, 2022/
Just a friendly reminder to all first-year/newcomer students signed up for our welcome session that we are meeting on Sep 12, 4 PM sharp by the statue on Winston Churchill Square to kick off with our team game. The session is highly recommended for all. And there is more to follow…
Introductory lecture: 6 PM, CET
Mandatory for everyone.
After the game, we will move down to Restaurace AK for an introductory presentation.
Those who are not in the Czech Republic will be able to join us via a ZOOM session.
Meeting link: click here
Meeting ID: 973 0230 7885
Passcode: 224435
Reception with students and alumni: 7 PM, CET
Catered, the informal gig will be held at the Academic Club (Restaurace AK VŠE), to be found on the 3rd floor of Italska Building. Your chance to meet your fellow students, the staff and alumni.
We would also like to draw your attention to the upcoming Orientation Days organized Sep 14-16, 2022 by the International Office for all incoming international students one week prior to the beginning of the academic year. The idea in general is for the students to get familiar with the University, the city of Prague and the Czech culture. Attendance is recommended as they gain the necessary information for their start at the Prague University of Economics and Business and in the Czech Republic.
>> ALSO <<
For newcomer students: unless you have already done so, do not forget to find us on our FB so you can stay in the loop.