Summer Schools at the Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Economics, Prague would like to invite all PhD., Master’s and Bachelor’s students (of various universities) for the summer schools, which will take place in July 2019:
1. Design for the Business of Change: Blurring Boundaries Between Nonprofits, Governments, Corporations, and Business
- July 1 – 12, 2019
- 9 lecture days
- 4 ECTS
- Price: 1,550 EUR* paid before April 30, 2019
Detailed information can be found in the brochure at the bottom of this webpage.
2. Blue Ocean Strategy in the Context of Digital Disruption
- July 15 – 19, 2019
- 5 lecture days
- 4 ECTS
- Price: 800 EUR* paid before April 30, 2019
- Description:
Detailed information can be found in the brochure at the bottom of this webpage.
3. Combination 1. Summer School + 2. Summer School
- July 1 – 19, 2019
- 14 lecture days
- 8 ECTS
- Price: 2,300 EUR* paid before April 30, 2019
*There is an option excluding accomodation for reduced fee.
Both courses are designed for approximately 30 Bachelor, Master or Doctoral students across various fields of study and are accredited by the university, language of instruction: English.
For more information about Summer Schools go to
Contact person:
Mrs. Martina Honcova
phone: +420 224 098 354
University of Economics, Prague
Faculty of Business Administration
W. Churchill sq. 4
130 67 Prague 3
You can apply via this link. |