VSE was accredited by AACSB. The FBA now boasts the prestigious Triple Crown accreditation.
After a rigorous accreditation process, the Prague University of Economics and Business was awarded the AACSB accreditation. You can read more about the accreditation and the accreditation process in the news on the VSE website.
The Faculty of Business Administration has thus become the holder of the prestigious Triple Crown accreditation, which is held by only 129 business schools worldwide, and is thus part of an exclusive group of prestigious internationally recognized business schools. The Triple Crown accreditation refers to a combination of the three main international accreditations that a business schoolcan obtain, namely EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB. These three accreditations are awarded by independent international bodiesaccording to demanding standards and following in-depth audits. The Triple Crown accreditation thus represents a guarantee ofpremium quality that sets FBA apart in the world of higher education.
the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, based in the USA
European Quality Improvement System run by the European Foundation for Management Development (efmd), based in Brussels
the Association of MBAs, based in the UK