Workshops with Laura Feleki from Merkle (Decarbonization Game / Sustainable Marketing: A World Cafe Discussion)
Are you into sustainability, business development and digital transformation? Then come join us during Innovation Week at the FBA for a workshop of your interest with Laura Feleki of Merkle, the renown digital and sustainability catalyst!
As part of the innovation week, Laura Feleki, a Digital Vision & Transformation Manager and Decarbonisation, Energy and Sustainability Expert at Merkle will put in appearance at the FBA to lead 2 English workshops:
The Decarbonization Game
📅THUR, Mar 30, 2023, 13:00-14:30 | SB 338
Join the Decarbonization Game now and be the game changer!
The Decarbonization Game is an UN Summit based on MIT simulator that will allow you to take a role as one of the stakeholders and negotiate to save our planet. You can choose to be Regulatory, Conventional Energy, Cleantech, Industry & Commerce, Land Agriculture Forestry, Environmentalist /NGO, or Developing country. You can propose an action or erase the action of a previous group, and then participate in the second round of group negotiations. Following that, you can see the final choice and the model’s simulation of how many degrees of warming the group achieved.
Capacity: 40 ppl
! R E G I S T E R !
Sustainable Marketing: A World Cafe Discussion
📅THUR, Mar 30, 2023, 14:30-16:00 | SB 338
Join us for a World Cafe discussion on the meaning of sustainable marketing and its implications for consumer behavior in the 21st century.
We will begin with a brief overview of Dentsu social Impact strategy and how marketing needs to play a role in changing consumer behavior. We will explore the definition of sustainable marketing, the different approaches, and how to apply them in practice. We will also discuss the challenges of sustainable marketing and the potential benefits. Finally, we will brainstorm ideas on how to make sustainable marketing a reality.
Capacity: 40 ppl
! R E G I S T E R !
Digital and sustainability catalyst
Laura has 20 years of industry experience, combining expertise in digital transformation with a wide range of strategic, innovative know-how. Specializing in sustainability, decarbonization, and the energy industry, she is passionate about business development, and digital transformation to improve operational excellence and achieve competitive advantage by thriving in new ways in all parts of the organization.